Yesterday, Minnesota Public Radio announced that it elected two new members to their Board of Trustees, and Nancy Lyons, our CEO, is one of them!

As a long-time member and listener, Lyons welcomes the opportunity to lend her expertise to its mission and programming in any way she can. Of the recent appointment she said, “Giving back has always been a part of how we do business. The reach and the effect that MPR has on the state is vast — the programs empower, teach, listen, and challenge us every day. I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of that tradition, and a part of it as it continues to grow.”

Lyons is deeply involved in the Twin Cities community. She’s co-author of “Interactive Project Management: Pixels, People, and Process” (New Riders, 2012), serves on the National Board of Directors at The Family Equality Council, is a founding board member of Upper Mississippi Academy and is a captain/mentor at Project Skyway.

Dr. Patricia Simmons of the Mayo Clinic was also elected. You can read the full press release on MPR’s site.