May 19th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and we’re honoring it with an event for anyone interested in learning more about digital accessibility: Accessibility After Work.

Accessibility After Work is designed to introduce you to digital accessibility from the viewpoint of users who live with a wide variety of disabilities. The event is a great opportunity for anyone who uses, designs, builds, or sells technology, including:

  • Web developers/designers
  • Software engineers
  • Content managers
  • Marketing, customers service, and sales staff
  • Organizational leaders

The event will feature a device expo where you can see the most commonly used assistive computer devices in action, up close and personal, demonstrated by WeCo’s Accessibility Specialists and Test Consultants, all of whom live with one or more disability. Additionally, you will be able to network, meet, and chat with other people learning about or working on digital accessibility.

In partnership with WeCo, a mission-based for-profit company focused on giving their clients access/feedback from actual users who live with disabilities, we hope that the collaborative event will “bring meaningful accessibility to life,” to borrow words from WeCo’s own site. For us, this event — and the entire topic — is an extension of our values and commitment to people. Inclusivity and diversity extend to all underrepresented or poorly serviced communities.