It’s not even Thanksgiving and you’re probably already thinking about Q2 of 2017. We hear you. We’re thinking about it, too, and how we help get you set up for the year. Below are some posts we wrote over the year that might give you new ideas or inspire new thinking. And don’t forget, you can always send us an email for a consultation. We’d love to tailor our outlook and recommendations just for you.

Showcase your organization

Use an interactive experience to drive engagement and learning. These types of tools can be created for employees for more cohesive onboarding or for an ongoing information-sharing practice. They can help sales teams by enabling storytelling in the field. And they can effectively share your mission, purpose, or brand with clients or customers.

Think Incrementally

Redesigning doesn’t mean embarking on a complete overhaul. With some research and planning, small targeted enhancements can offer a lot of value to your users and to your business. As the small changes occur, you can learn a lot from the data gathered at each stage and have a great sense of what worked and what didn’t.

Increase visibility

Transparency earns trust and loyalty across the board. One way to do this is by creating a traceability experience for the people who use your products and services. While we often think of traceability as closely linked to food or specific products, its application can be much broader. It can be used to track services and important relationship checkpoints.

Leverage Email

Email may be one of the unsexiest of marketing tactics, but it can still be very effective. Unlike social, it’s an opportunity to talk directly to people who already know you and who are already interested. Plus you control the content, the distribution, and the data.

Recently we also shared some upcoming changes that Google will be implementing in 2017. Login pages will now require secure https and sites that use popups in front of content (think promotional popups) will not be ranked lower. If you want a consultation about what 2017 may mean for your digital ecosystem, email us now. Let’s get ahead of January so you can hit the ground running in Q1.